Every time I log on to blog I realize how quickly the time has passed. I can’t deny this fact as my blogs are dated so I can clearly see how long it is between posts. Instead of being upset by this I have decided that I am truly blessed beyond measure to be so busy that I allow my blogs to get away from me.

When you read that you were probably thinking that I am in the process of getting ready for the next summer term which starts soon. BUT….WRONG - I am going back to Grad School! I applied and was accepted to a Forensic Linguistics Masters program. One of my teachers is Jim Fitzgerald…..how the heck could I not go back to school for that?!?!

There comes a point in life for some or maybe even most people where he/she needs to decide what is most important and doing what will really make them happy. I have hit that point in my life and I have never been more excited, frustrated, anxious and confused.