When you read that you were probably thinking that I am in the process of getting ready for the next summer term which starts soon. BUT….WRONG - I am going back to Grad School! I applied and was accepted to a Forensic Linguistics Masters program. One of my teachers is Jim Fitzgerald…..how the heck could I not go back to school for that?!?!
Oh and by the way, this is how I am telling my husband and my Dean that I am going to have my own homework again…lol
Why go back to school? I already have a terminal degree. I LOVE to learn and I believe this program will become a skill that will be in command in the future. So, if I jump in now then I will be able to share bits and pieces with my own students which will make them more marketable.
I use the word marketable but I have been accused of being “competitive” when it comes to my students and jobs or well pretty much anything. I might be SLIGHTLY guilty!
Other than getting that first bill…..it was a pretty darn uneventful day and in my world, that is almost unheard of.