There comes a point in life for some or maybe even most people where he/she needs to decide what is most important and doing what will really make them happy. I have hit that point in my life and I have never been more excited, frustrated, anxious and confused.
My career, my REAL one… I am a college professor who teaches criminal justice at the school I said decades before that I would teach at. I earned an Endowed Teaching Chair and was able to start the Institute for Cold Case Investigations (ICCI) at Indian River State College. What makes ICCI so different and exciting? We chose to only work cases within the four counties that our school services, which to me is the ultimate in giving back to our community. AND….. each case is worked directly with the cold case detective with jurisdiction over the case. I will give no more details as you never know when too much is too much but let’s just say that it is the opportunity of a lifetime for these students that very few people ever get.
So where does all of this other professional insanity come into play? Having a major prosecutor ask you to co-author a book on his most famous case, being asked to appear on true crime shows commenting on various topics, my own podcast, guesting on other podcasts and guest speak all around the country and now an invite to Europe.
All of this is flattering and overwhelming and beyond my imagination let alone my dreams but do you have any idea of not only the doors this has opened for me but who I have been able to introduce my students to and the doors that this has opened for many of them?
As I sit here and grade for what is the last weekend of the Summer A term, I am thankful that I worked to get the job I have. A job which allows me to be and do so much more than the small town, Ohio girl ever thought was possible.
Dr. M