All in sharks

January 2, 2021

I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for each and every one of you. Those of you who have complained about “nothing” but felt like making sure we heard you talk….. I am thankful you taught me to speak and complain less. Let’s rephrase that… my friends and family thank you and want to know how in the world you accomplished what they have never been able to do.

I AM Back!

Not sure that I told you guys that in addition to my teaching and all of the other professional stuff I am into, that I realized that I haven’t done much of the “cool” stuff in the world. So I have set out on a mission to do at least one thing a month that is outside of the box for me. By this, I mean getting over a fear, see or doing something that I have always wanted to do or just get out there to see what the world has to offer to entertain, teach or just blow my mind!