I AM Back!
Not sure that I told you guys that in addition to my teaching and all of the other professional stuff I am into, that I realized that I haven’t done much of the “cool” stuff in the world. So I have set out on a mission to do at least one thing a month that is outside of the box for me. By this, I mean getting over a fear, see or doing something that I have always wanted to do or just get out there to see what the world has to offer to entertain, teach or just blow my mind!
You will be happy to know that I survived yesterday’s adventure. My friend, Ashleigh and I went cage swimming with sharks…..cage free, I might add! Don’t ask me how many sharks or what kind I saw or anything like that because I plan on doing this trip again. Did you know that sharks migrate; therefore, you get the opportunity to see different one through out the year???
I have always and will always love the ocean but it looks and feels a lot different when you slide into the water, whether it be at 20 feet or 800 feet. Either way, you CAN NOT touch the bottom..lol or see what is between you and the ocean floor most of the time. BUT man is it the most beautiful and amazing experience. What was shocking to me was the I was the first one other than the pro’s to get into the water on the first drop. I felt NO fear, nothing but wonder and excitement. What an awesome experience.
I have a few other adventures planned that I may or may not share. I think part of the fun is knowing you do it. “Have fun, hurt and tell no one.” JM
Someone just asked me how I dealt with knowing there would be a bunch of sharks in the water with me. I said easy: I just imagine them to be a bunch of little serial killers and I know how to handle myself in that situation, so I’ve got this!
Have an awesome Sunday now get out and go find something fun or interesting to do!
Dr. M