Lions and Tigers and Blogs....oh my

Lions and Tigers and Blogs....oh my

It’s funny how people seem to be voyeuristic and love to see, hear or watch what is going on in the lives of others. I can say at one point in time, I am sure I was just as guilty…. that was until I decided to share my life and then I realized that it isn’t always so fun. You DON’T get to choose what you share….or do you?!?

I have gained and lost followers, family and friends over my choices but you know what, that’s ok? People misinterpret what you put out there and sometimes feelings get hurt or egos get inflated. I love my birds, butterflies, sunrises, walks on the beach and the amazing backyard gardens I am building. Some people enjoy those things and don’t realize that just as much as I love them, I also need them to keep the drama of my professional life as well as other things at bay.

That’s ok if you delete me because I am not true crime all of the time. If I was I would be a pretty damn boring person. So I can enjoy the learning and sharing of serial killers, even more so, telling you about the lives and loves of those we have lost to them and then go on to enjoy my shishito peppers and the smell of multiple types of lavender.

I would be boring if I only shared one part of me. So with that, I will keep this one really short:


my students

the college I teach at, Indian River State College

learning about why I still remember the bunny I ran over when I was 18 while others hurt people without thought

I enjoy sunrises even though I am NOT the best morning person

I read books that most people would never even consider touching, philosophy, history of mankind and so on

I would go to college forever if my husband and friends would let me

Learning and homework come easy to me but understanding the horrors of life are a mystery

I am writing and will publish this year

I take more photographs than any one person should

But the best part of me…. don’t judge this book by the cover. You don’t know if it is the cover that truly belongs on this book. So follow me as I run, jump, stumble and enjoy my way through life. Who knows not only might you learn something real about me but also about yourself. Life is an adventure; enjoy it!

Dr. M

Getting My Tail Busy

Getting My Tail Busy

Focus and Organization - I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached

Focus and Organization - I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached