One Insane Week
This has been one of the weirdest, most enlightening, fun yet challenging weeks, I think I have ever experienced in my life. First last Friday evening, (9-11-) I ran into a man that I speak to almost weekly when I go out to dinner. I knew he was a firefighter who worked the Towers on 9-11. He told me some very passionate, sad and heroic tales. Well this past Friday he came in and he looked really tired and I asked him what was up. I was not prepared for him to tell me that he had just gotten back home from NYC, where he had attended THE 9-11 Memorial Tribute. I was shocked and wasn’t sure what to say to this hero before me that I have known as “just a regular” guy. So, I hugged him. Said I was sorry for what he went through and then thanked him. What a humbling experience.
I managed to make it in time to see the sun rise TWICE this week. I used to make it much more often but somehow I let everyday life get so busy that I have missed out on this most precious gift of the start of the day. I have; however, made it to the second most amazing part to the start of the workday. I get to hear revelry and see the raising of colors. I consider this an honor and wish more people had this opportunity.
The most exciting thing, a podcast I did was released this week. The pilot episode of Anything You Say, turned out to the point I was very very happy with. I also received an email from the Executive Producer who forwarded and email from the investigators of the Chris Watts case and thanked me for my analyzation and interpretation of their behavior. They may reach out to me and I hope they do. I want to thank them for validating me and what I do… first thought? How can I get them to Zoom with my Spring Semester students for Criminal Investigations….lol Always thinking… my professor job and the tweaks I can bring to it that add to my students’ educational experience.
Went out for date night last night and realized that I would rather be locked up, on my own with a prison full of inmates than hang out with a couple of girls. Geez, now they can reek much more havoc than inmates. You may be able to wear that dress but aren’t you a little old for it?!?! LOL like seriously?!? At first I was hurt. Then I was annoyed, followed by mad and then I found it funny. Jealousy doesn’t look good on anyone.
ICCI, my cold case institute made a lot of progress this week. I am beyond excited with them.
This was one roller coaster of a week and I am looking forward to the next one.
Dr. M