Focus and Organization - I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached
It was only a few days ago when I last blogged and I made a list of the things I was going to check off of my list first. Some of it was “low hanging fruit” as we say since it had already been started. I can’t believe that I didn’t mention the biggest, already in the works, starting the next day project?!?! My partner, PCubed I’m sure can, as I have so many things that I and “WE” need to get accomplished.
SO here is my big announcement - the podcast, Murder and Mysteries with Massnick has already been back in the study and will start dropping new episodes tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow - Monday the 12th of April! This is going to be a bit challenging but nothing we can’t handle. We are going to be recording and dropping two different and completely distinct “seasons” at the same time. Don’t ask me how. That is the “eye rollers” decision.
So I can only give you a few hints as to where we are going with this concept. The first season, will be our typical length as it is specifically tied to a presentation that we are giving but the second one which we hope you find educational, fascinating and humbling is going to take us on a long journey….. months!
Both will discuss the perpetrators, the crime or multiple crimes and of course most importantly the victims. The lengthy season will introduce you to those who where there. You will hear stories you have never heard. Learn about heroes that have never been mentioned and see how one man ensures the victims and heroes are spoken of and remembered.
This is new for the Murders and Mysteries with Massnick podcast. Two seasons, historical crimes and showing you the support that we have been given by our college, Indian River State College to not only take on these topics but to share it with you and the rest of the world.
So get ready because………WE ARE BACK!!!!
Dr. M and PCubed