Focus and Organization - I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached

It was only a few days ago when I last blogged and I made a list of the things I was going to check off of my list first. Some of it was “low hanging fruit” as we say since it had already been started. I can’t believe that I didn’t mention the biggest, already in the works, starting the next day project?!?! My partner, PCubed I’m sure can, as I have so many things that I and “WE” need to get accomplished.

Just Stopping By to Remind You to Enjoy Life

Today I had planned to get about a half a million things done. That darn OLD me must have reared it’s head because I thought getting these things accomplished would make me happy if for no other reason than I would stop worrying about needing to get grades done, lesson plans ready for the week, the back gardens weeded (I think my yard is starting to look like an arboretum….lol), clothes and linens washed and put away and so on and so on and so on.

Reclaiming my Creativity and Finding My Peace

Just as most people will tell you, this pandemic has changed them. It may have been for the better by causing them to slow down and take care of themselves (slightly guilty) or maybe for the worse (guilty until recently.) I am an extreme extrovert, love to be busy, I am outside exploring something everyday and meeting and talking with anyone who has a story to tell. That part of my life got cut WAY back with this pandemic and I fought it. Why fight it….. because of course I wanted what I wanted! Have you learned nothing about me yet over these years?

January 2, 2021

I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for each and every one of you. Those of you who have complained about “nothing” but felt like making sure we heard you talk….. I am thankful you taught me to speak and complain less. Let’s rephrase that… my friends and family thank you and want to know how in the world you accomplished what they have never been able to do.