True Crime and a Glass of Wine is a monthly event hosted by the coffee bar Blue Door in Stuart, Florida. This hidden gem is only steps away from downtown yet seems a million miles away from the hustle of the world once you step up into the courtyard. A large oak tree surrounded by flowers, the courtyard has become a hideaway for myself and others as it offers the opportunity to quietly contemplate life, dreams or even the next exciting true crime get together.
As tranquil as it can be, there are times when I need a little pick me up or just a place to cut loose. Weekly live music or DJs provide just that. I may not look like Cher but last 80s night I rocked an insanely large wig and way too-high heels and didn’t embarrass myself one bit. People ask me what do I do for fun or if I even have time to do anything other than work considering I teach, spend a million hours with my honor society students exploring, giving back to the community and looking for educational adventures. Well, here is the answer…. I spend most of my personal free time at the Blue Door. Amazing coffee, a glass of wine on occasion, fascinating conversations and more laughter than considered normal.
Give you one guess where I am.