Well I managed to go roughly 36 hours without anything blog worthy happening. I didn’t mention it at the time but it is TOTALLY blog worthy in my opinion…
Episode 2 of the podcast, The Making of CrimeCon aired the other night. That in itself is exciting but taking it to another level for me was the fact that I was the guest interview. Yes, me?!? CrimeCon allowed me to give a little tease about my upcoming presentation in Nashville. I promise it will be interesting. If you want to hear the podcast, you will find a link to it here on my website or you can catch all of the episodes on iTunes or the crimecon.com website.
Ahh, now back to the craziness that was this morning. As I have mentioned, I am a criminal investigator. I LOVE this job. One of the best parts is getting to interview clients. This morning was a bit busy but towards the end, a gentleman I was interviewing looked at me a quietly asked, “Are you an alien?” Before I could even answer he said, “You’re a reptilian.... a powerful one.”
Ok, so that caught me a little off guard but I hear all kinds of things that seem to come out of left field so no biggie. So I casually asked him, “What kind of reptilian am I?” This obviously wasn’t one of the questions that was on the form I needed to complete but I considered it polite to respond before I got back down to business. My client, then informed me that I was a powerful reptilian and could control politicians. Normally I would consider this a pretty cool “super power” but in this day and age, I don’t want to be blamed for ANY political choices being made NOR do I want people getting upset because I am not using my reptilian powers to their full potential. So let’s just keep the fact that my alien identity has been outed a secret for now.
On a side note, my client also said that I needed to keep my ink pen safe because it has magical powers. Yeah, I think I can handle that…. Now if this pen could only grade my students homework assignments on its own…hmmm